Thursday, 23 September 2010

The Cycling Challenge: Rollin' (Part Two)

As you'll have noticed from Rollin' (Part One) I appear to have been in training for something and that's because I had, you see my cunning plan to complete The Cycling Challenge involved the first real effort of long term planning that'd been put into action so far - the remaining 54 miles would be nailed in one hit, for I had entered The London to Brighton Bike Ride!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

The Cycling Challenge: Rollin' (Part One)

Now, built like Arnie (from my local chip shop, not the Governor of California/Movie Star/Mr Universe) following The Weightlifting Challenge and having piled on the pounds whilst couped up in sweaty rooms I needed an opportunity that'd help me shed kilos whilst getting out in the open, I would also need a bike for:
The Cycling Challenge!

This is the story of how my previous favourite pastime crashed head long into my fresh, florishing, and worrying wholesome new favourite pastime.

Back in June...

Just 5 hours after leaving a bar at the end of last night I was stood outside a pub. But not just any pub. This, this was the wrong frigging pub. Bugger