
Hello there, I'm The Everyman Olympian

One hungover morning in a hotel in Dublin I decided that a life of eating whatever I wanted, doing no exercise and drinking copious amounts of the alcoholic stuff was making my early 30's body look like and feel like a 50 something's body - and I didn't really enjoy wearing it anymore.

So, as I rolled off of the polyester sheets and into a shower cubicle built for the little chap from Willow, I worked out a way to try and lose my belly, which wouldn't involved hours staring at walls in a dull gym and would be bags of fun....hence, The Everyman Olympics was born!

What started as 12 sporting challenges (1 per month) based on Olympic events has ballooned into me tackling a challenge based on EVERY sport in the Olympics before London 2012.

You can read my blog posts on each event and other connected subjects here, check out photos and gain invites to events on my Facebook Fan Page, follow me on Twitter, contact me with your ideas on how I can set up challenges and even JOIN ME for a challenge!