Sunday, 15 April 2012

Tri-ing Times

Somehow the pain of last week didn't put my pal Glen off of joining me for more training for The Triathlon Challenge, and this time I managed to sneak yet another Swimming lesson into the mix.

Coach Passingham & The Everyman Olympian looking fresh at the start of Triathlon Training
This time around we opted to cycle half of the 24 miles required on the bikes to get to the pool, then I gained more swimming tips from Coach Passingham before we completed 1000m swims and got back on the bikes for more tarmac time.

The Everyman Olympian looking surprisingly fresh after 12 mile cycle and 1000m swim
Perhaps we gained our first sample of swimming outdoors today - the pool at LA Fitness in Shoeburyness was clearly in need of a clean; the deep end resembled a submerged tip.

Back at my pad we ditched the bikes and set off for the run, but not before I taped up my nipples...

Last time out my nipples bled on the run
This time around I was taking no chances...on went the plasters before the run.
I'd been for a birthday breakfast for my pal Johnny and during the conversation I'd been tipped off by my mate Emma that vertically taped plasters where best to stop nipple chaffing - as you'll see I opted for a horizontal vs vertical experiment to see which was best. When I returned home I found that both plasters had fallen off on the route!

Having also been for a swimming lesson the day before with Coach Nicky my legs and lower back were already feeling it in the morning, and while the cycle and swim had warmed my muscles up oh boy did the run bring all those aches and pains to a throbbing crescendo; on each uphill motion the muscles on my outer thighs yelled for me to stop but I near-silently battled on.

Glen by contrast was shouting at himself between the grunting, like an army sergeant and a rookie mixed into one he was the motivator and the motivated.

This time when we got to Glen's pad I convinced him to continue on to my own, I think the mention that I'd be going three quarters of a mile further struck a competitive cord.

Swimming, cycling and running like this is very much a personal challenge, knowing there'd be a few hundred yards downhill to my flat I opted to squeeze the last ounces of energy and effectively sprinted to the finish line - I've got to say, while writing this this morning my legs are still not talking to me.